‚Wenn der April mit seinen reichlichen Schauern den trockenen März bis zu den Wurzeln benetzt, ... dann gehen die Menschen auf Pilgerschaft und begeben sich auf Schiffe um Canterbury im fernen England zu erreichen.‘
Mit diesen Worten von Geoffrey Chaucer im Hinterkopf haben sich die 4. Klassen des Europagymnasiums wohlweislich noch im trockenen März dieses Jahres auf den Weg nach England gemacht, um herauszufinden, was es mit diesen Zeilen auf sich hat. Für wahr, die Schauer haben sich in Grenzen gehalten, und der eine oder die andere hat sogar einen leichten Sonnenbrand abbekommen. Kurz, eine Woche als Geschenk für all die Mühe und Anstrengung der letzten Jahre.
Um einige Eindrücke dieser Intensivsprachwoche widerzugeben hat Vanessa Riegler aus der 4b folgenden Text in englischer Sprache verfasst:
As we all know, all the fourth grader went to London and Eastbourne just a few weeks ago. We had a lot of fun and great experiences which we’ll for sure not forget that easily. The highlights of the stay consisted mostly of sightseeing in London, including London Eye, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Madame Tussauds and some more. But also the ‚Seven Sisters‘ in Eastbourne were really worth a visit. What I liked most were probably the red telephone boxes. Eastbourne is a great town. There are a lot of shops and restaurants even though it’s not that big. One advantage is that you can reach almost every place on foot without any problems. There is also a lot of sightseeing in the area and the inhabitants can be really glad to live there.
A thing I was also very happy about was our host family. They were so nice and kind and their house was clean, big, and comfortable. They had two dogs named Fudge & Salza, which were raised really well. The food our host mother cooked was always delicious and I still miss those big soft toasts with peanut butter for breakfast.
What I might also add is, that it was my first flight, so I naturally was very excited before we took off in Vienna. Finally it was a great time and I would really love to go there again.
Vanessa Riegler