November 2011 / 7ab, 8ab / Englisch, GSP
In November this year a twelve students from years seven and eight of our school attended the Eighth Annual Conference of the Model United Nations of Munich. At a “MUN” you play UNO, but not the card game – in fact it is the United Nations Organization (UNO). Our school had the chance to represent two delegations, France and the Philippines. Accompanied by Mr. Meyer and Mr. Strasser most of us delegates were accommodated at local host families.
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November 2011 / 8ab / Spanisch
Im November besuchte die Südwind-Mitarbeiterin Gudrun Glocker die Spanisch-Gruppen der achten Klassen, um die SchülerInnen über die Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen von ImmigrantInnen, die in den Plastikgewächshäusern Andalusiens in der Gemüseproduktion arbeiten, zu informieren.
November 2011 / 1c / Englisch
The First footing in a virtual learning environment
Class 1C is now taking their first successful steps on our learning platform moodle. In this period covering a week, including autonomous homework assignments, our youngest students are faced with a variety of interactive tasks like quizzes, funny songs and videos, which are intended to revise the words and grammar related to the topic “MY BODY” previously taught in my lessons.
November 2011
Wir sind eine große Schulgemeinschaft, die vom Miteinander lebt. Manchmal gibt es aber Situationen, in denen ich mich alleine fühle, oder gerne jemanden um mich hätte, der mich in den Arm nimmt. Für genau solche Momente gibt es im ersten Stock des Schulgebäudes nun die FREE HUGS – also kostenlose Umarmungen.