
September 2011
vorankuendigung e_theater

For this year`s jubilee production - it is our tenth anniversary - year 8 students will present  a send-up of Cinderella entitled A Kind of Magic at Stadttheater Grein. The basic plot of the fairy tale is enriched with well-known songs by Queen to add to the humorous tone of the play.

The final outcome is a fairy-tale musical in which Cindy and the Fairy Godmother, joined by an array of familiar goodies from our past productions like James Fond, Titania as well as by familiar icons from the fantasy genre like Thor, Barry Hotter or Merlin, the wizard, will fight for love and rightful power. Of course, the audience won`t miss all the popular ingredients inherent to the storyline of Cinderella like the ball, the handsome Prince Friedrich and the Evil Stepmother. The final question remains if the good powers supported by magic will finally subdue the evil forces embodied by Georg, the King`s ruthless brother, or Lady Margareta, the cunning fairy, to achieve love and happiness for Cindy and the Prince ever after!

Europagymnasium vom Guten Hirten - 4342 Baumgartenberg 1 - Tel +43 7269 75 51 - Fax +43 7269 75 51-25