Three Murders, A Suicide, And A Near Miss – Reloaded English Theatre morning DIY

After our initial end of January workshop, we've now done some more follow up workshops. And, miraculously, we have dived into the 'Othello – Theme', enjoying it tremendously. Thus we wanted to finish the project by performing the play. We did it ourselves!
Friday, April 11th 2008, year 6 Wahlpflichtfach English students changed into actors and did three breath taking shows for fellow students. So finally students from year 4 to 8 have seen the Othello send-up. It's been such good fun to try out characters, rehearse, work hard, laugh a lot. Most of all, it feels great to perform in front of an audience.
Fach: WPG E Klassen: 6ab Wann: April 2008 <<Zurück

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